Millward Brown violates fundamental workers' rights

Millward Brown Spain is the Spanish backyard  of a multinational working for companies like Coca-Cola in "consulting review" and hypocritically cooperating with UNICEF while it cheats, lies and threatens workers with dismissal.


In recent years, poor and obscure executive management has led the company to a dramatic situation, which involved the illegally imposed reduction of working hours, pay cuts and dismissals and other deceitful practices.


This is enabled further with the connivence of some members of the Workers Committee, the very ones who claim to defend the workers. These people have testified in court on behalf of the company in a lawsuit against the imposition of shorter working hours, and repeatedly deny and hide any information about the situation of the company before other union officers.


Currently, in a fraudulent major layoff situation, the CGT section decides to convene a one-day strike on May 27th. On the day of communication, the delegate Puri Rodriguez is fired as repression for her union activity, coercing with that the other workers who intend to strike. This is the "leading" company in branding and corporate responsibility.


We inform management that workers are not alone against the abuses of the company. We are aware of the high degree of workers dissatisfaction, as well as the fear of being fired for expressing such, but we must be united in the defense of our jobs. Resigning and hiding their heads does not work. This is a multinational company that is only interested in making profits with minimal costs.


Now it is time for society to realise what kind of company Millward Brown is, to know what kind of defenseless situation workers find themselves in. If they do not listen to us they will listen to the complaints of their unsatisfied clients. In this company the only ones who are not needed are the executives with high salaries.


On 27 May, all to the strike and the concentration in front of the work center 474 Alcala Street in Madrid, Ciudad Lineal Subway, exit Albarracin Street.


Sección Sindical de la CGT en Millward Brown en Madrid


twitter: @cgtmillwardbrow